Having trouble performing?
1 in 2
men aged 40+ have experienced erectile dysfunction or ED in the past 12 months.1
1 in 5
men experience ED at least once per week.1
Although ED is common, the condition is often neglected.2
Poor performance is not normal.
It’s a medical condition that is treatable.
Having trouble performing?
Although erectile dysfunction or ED is common, the condition is often neglected.2
Poor performance is not normal.
It’s a medical condition that is treatable.
1 in 2
men aged 40+ have experienced ED in the past 12 months.1
1 in 5
men experience ED at least once per week.1
About ED
ED is a common men’s health condition3 largely affecting those aged 40+ years4 and is a common side-effect of prostate cancer surgery.5,6
ED occurs when blood flow to the penis is limited,
or the nerves and muscles are damaged.7,8
80% of ED cases occur due to blood vessel problems that bring blood to and from the penis.
The vessels may be blocked and narrowed.9
The more you learn about ED, the closer you are to a solution.
Take a simple quiz to help determine whether you are experiencing ED.
To find out your ED score, head here:
Aussie men living with untreated ED feel:
Inadequate & embarrassed
Frustrated & mentally exhausted
Lacking in confidence
Anxious & isolated
Robbed of their masculinity
Learn what more than 1,000 Aussie men like you have to say about living with ED
Underlying medical conditions that can cause ED
An underlying medical condition is often responsible for ED.11
ED symptoms often present as the first sign of cardiovascular disease (disorders of the heart and blood vessels), diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.11,12
A couple’s disease
To restore your intimacy & perform at your peak, talk to your GP
Or find a specialist who is right for you
Treatment options available
There are many treatment options available for ED, tailored to every man, ranging from behavioural modifications to oral medication, vacuum erection devices and penile injections to penile implants as a long-term option.
Getting the right treatment can improve your quality of life.10
Real stories of men living with ED
Want to restore intimacy with your partner and perform at your peak again?
1. Australian market research on erectile dysfunction (ED). YouGov: YouGov; 2024.
2. Ohad Shoshany DJK, Christopher Love. Much more than prescribing a pill – Assessment and treatment of erectile dysfunction by the general practitioner. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. 2017;46(9).
3. Langarizadeh MA, Salary A, Tavakoli MR, Nejad BG, Fadaei S, Jahani Z, Forootanfar H. An overview of the history, current strategies, and potential future treatment approaches in erectile dysfunction: a comprehensive review. Sexual Medicine Reviews. 2023;11(3):253-67.
4. Leslie SW, Sooriyamoorthy T. Erectile Dysfunction. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL)2024.
5. Albaugh JA, Sufrin N, Lapin BR, Petkewicz J, Tenfelde S. Life after prostate cancer treatment: a mixed methods study of the experiences of men with sexual dysfunction and their partners. BMC Urology. 2017;17(1):45.
6. Madan R, Dracham CB, Khosla D, Goyal S, Yadav A. Erectile dysfunction and cancer: Current perspective. Radiation Oncology Journal. 2020;38.
7. Hard Facts: Boston Scientific; [Available from: https://www.hardfacts.com.au/home.html].
8. Patient brochure – Find the ED solution that’s right for you. Boston Scientific; 2019.
9. McMahon CG. Current diagnosis and management of erectile dysfunction. Med J Aust. 2019;210(10):469-76.
10. Williams P, McBain H, Amirova A, Newman S, Mulligan K. Men’s beliefs about treatment for erectile dysfunction—what influences treatment use? A systematic review. International Journal of Impotence Research. 2021;33(1):16-42.
11. treatED, Understanding the impact of diabetes on erectile dysfunction. Diabetes Australia: Diabetes Australia.
12. Erectile dysfunction healthdirect: healthdirect; 2023 [Available from: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/erectile-dysfunction].
13. Elterman DS, Bhattacharyya SK, Mafilios M, Woodward E, Nitschelm K, Burnett AL. The Quality of Life and Economic Burden of Erectile Dysfunction. Res Rep Urol. 2021;13:79-86.
14. Hard Facts – FAQs about ED: Boston Scientific; [Available from: https://www.hardfacts.com.au/resources/faq.html].
This material is for informational purposes only and not meant for medical diagnosis. This information does not constitute medical or legal advice, and Boston Scientific makes no representation regarding the medical benefits included in this information. Boston Scientific strongly recommends that you consult with your physician on all matters pertaining to your health. Content of this video is for information purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Views and opinions expressed herein by third parties are theirs alone.
About YouGov market research
Boston Scientific commissioned YouGov to perform an online quantitative survey on erectile dysfunction (ED) involving a nationally representative sample of 1,017 Australian men aged 40+ years between July 5 to 10, 2024.The data was weighted by age and region to reflect the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) population estimates of Australian men aged 40+.
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